...More Local Attractions
Here are some of the breathtaking attractions you can access by taking 120 through Groveland. You will be greeted with light traffic, low crowds, a warm friendly downtown, and waterfalls that have a very high flow from an extra wet spring season.

Lookout Point
The point provides distant views of the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir, O'Shaughnessy Dam, and Wapama Falls.

Wapama Falls
Wapama Falls is the larger of two waterfalls located on the northern wall of Hetch Hetchy Valley below Hetch Hetchy Dome.

Rancheria Falls
Rancheria Falls is a series of cascades that zip through a canyon for more than a thousand feet (300 meters) of vertical drop.

Carlon Falls
Carlon Falls is a personal-sized waterfall, twenty or thirty feet high and roughly as wide. It has a pool and cascades downstream.